First Kill Wiki

Phillipa Calhoun is a recurring character in the first season of the Netflix original series First Kill. She is portrayed by Gail Soltys.

Phillipa goes to the same school as Juliette and Calliope, Lancaster Academy, and is Noah Harrington's girlfriend.



Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Phillipa is first seen with Noah during the party at his house.[1] Sometime during the party, she leaves Noah's side, and is not present when Ashley Stanton's mutilated body is discovered.

She attends Ashley's wake with Noah, questioning Ben's story about how and when she died; however, though Ben gives information inconsistent with the official report, Phillipa does not argue with him and she allows herself to be comforted by Noah.[2]

She and Noah find Juliette, Benjamin, and Calliope in the woods several nights after the wake, since they saw Ben's car when they were on their way to a party and wondered if he was okay. After believing the trio's lie about mourning Ashley, Phillipa shares Ashley's favorite alcoholic beverage with them and the evening turns into an impromptu memorial for Ashley, complete with a bonfire.[3] Phillipa initially spends the evening talking to Noah and Ben; however as the evening wears on, she chooses to dance around the bonfire with other party-goers.

After Noah is killed, she is interviewed by a reported about his death. She reveals that she tried to let him in, but Mr. Porter, the English teacher, stopped her.[4] Later, she holds a memorial for Noah in the same place in the woods where they had held a memorial for Ashley. Her dog interrupts her eulogy by running away and when Phillipa follows, the dog digs up the body of Clayton Cook.[4]

Phillipa is questioned by the police, during which she says she did not see anything because she and Noah were "uber-focused" on each other.[5] She says a few people were acting sus, and reveals that the memorial had been an idea proposed by Juliette, Ben, and Calliope. Upon leaving the interrogation, her father tells her that he is pulling her out of Lancaster Academy due to safety concerns.[5]

Physical Appearance[]




  • Phillipa's dogs name is Tiffany.[4]


Season 1[]

See also[]

Fairmont family
Juliette FairmontElinor FairmontMargot FairmontSebastian Fairmont
Burns family
Calliope BurnsTalia BurnsJack BurnsApollo BurnsTheo Burns
Monster Hunters
Bernice WheelerClayton CookJoJoMike FranklinSarah FranklinTess Franklin
Ashley StantonBeauBenjamin WheelerNoah HarringtonPhillipa Calhoun
Davina AtwoodDavenport FamilyCarmen
Minor Characters
Officer GarveyCyrus Waters


  1. Schwab, Victoria (writer) & Wilkinson, Jet (director). (June 10, 2022). "First Kiss". First Kill. Season 1. Netflix.
  2. Hudis, Mark, Schwab, Victoria (writers) & Wilkinson, Jet (director). (June 10, 2022). "First Blood". First Kill. Season 1. Netflix.
  3. Blake, Joy, Ohikhuara, Italome (writers) & La Salle, Eriq (director). (June 10, 2022). "First Date". First Kill. Season 1. Netflix.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Hudis, Mark, (writer) & Tapping, Amanda (director). (June 10, 2022). "First Severing". First Kill. Season 1. Netflix.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Blake, Joy (writer) & Kretchmer, John T. (director). (June 10, 2022). "First Goodbye". First Kill. Season 1. Netflix.